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ETF Sector Fund Investing FAQs


There is 1 Fidelity fund listed to buy on the daily summary and Fidelity has a $2,500 minimum which is a greater amount than my buy unit amount what should I do?

There is 1 Fidelity FSSFs listed in the Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) column because we have yet to find equivalent ETFs to replace them. This FSSF requires a minimum investment of $2,500.00 vs. ETFs that can be purchased in any dollar amount. If the total of your one buy unit (for definition of a buy unit, see Part 1 of "How to Use It") is less than $2,500.00, we recommend the following: Buy the non-Fidelity ETFs that are in buy mode for your buy unit price. Then put half of what is left into SPY and half into QQQ. This will maintain your 12 buys status. When your buy unit amount grows above $2,500.00, rebalance your account and buy the FSSF.

The instructions say that if the summary goes from IN to OUT, I should sell the next morning and then wait until the following morning (one more day) before buying short index funds. If the trend has turned, why not jump on it the first day?

The first OUT signal appears after the close and is usually the result of significant decline on that day. The next day is the first OUT day which we believe many investors see as a buying opportunity and we would expect the market to go UP with increased buying as a result. You would not want to be short that first morning. The phenomenon is often called a ” dead cat bounce”, because even a dead cat will bounce if you drop it from high enough.

How much of my time would I have to spend to maintain this kind of portfolio?

It varies, other than looking at the daily summary each day to know if there is any action to be taken the next morning, it takes very little time. On average its probably less than one hour a month.

How do I know which ETFs are in “buy” mode?

If the ETF symbol row has a number in the “current buy” column, that ETF is in a “buy” and the number is the gain or loss status for the current buy. If the “cell” or “box” is empty, there is not a buy in that ETF.

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What Clients Are Saying About The alphaplus System

Barbara B. CFP

"The alphaplus method is created for sifting through the myriad ETFs out there and is really an amazing tool, with buy/sell signals, supported by years of data. The track record of the alphaplus method is unsurpassed and is amazing tool to help quiet all the noise in the ETF space. The daily summary is clear and concise - with definite buy and sell signals - it really pares the data down to the essentials."

Barbara B. CFP

"I had never invested before, but the alphaplus Investment Method makes it so easy. I gained 5% on my original invesment within the first month. My favorite feature about the daily summary is that it will tell me what to buy, and if I need to sell. This enables me to go after aggressive growth while still feeling secure placing my savings in the stock market. I highly recommend this service."

Arnie V.

"I followed the alphaplus system for several months and liked the results. I began to split my retirement IRA funds between 1) an account with funds suggested by my investment house and 2) a second account invested using the alphaplus system. The second account has significantly grown to almost 50% of my IRA assets as results of using the alphaplus system."

Arnie V.